(2019) 1 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 112–123
Title of the article Control by Restricting Measures to Persons Who Commited Domestic Violence
Author(s) IRYNA BRUS
PhD in Law, senior research officer, department of organization and coordination of scientific work, Division of Organizational and Analytical Support and Control, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, brus.iryna@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2019
Issue 1
Pages [112–123]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract In connection with the recent legislative changes, which in particular introduced the institution of restrictive measures, there was a need for scientific research on some issues of control over the implementation of such measures. It should also be noted that the subjects of control over the implementation of restrictive measures against persons who committed domestic violence have been recently outlined at the legislative level, therefore this subject remains open to scientific discussions. Regarding the regulatory and legal regulation of such control, it was not the subject of a thorough study. In view of the above, the content and significance of restrictive measures against persons convicted of domestic violence were considered, as well as a systematic review of the rules for monitoring the implementation of such measures and its link with the relevant norms of other legislative acts.
The article prepared by the author is an overview.
On the basis of consideration of certain normative and legal acts, problems were found in the legal regulation of control exercised by the probation and commanding units of the military units (in relation to convicts – servicemen) for the enforcement of restrictive measures against those who committed domestic violence. These problems complicate the effective control by the relevant actors, since the lack of agreed norms does not allow to fully comply with the execution of a court order regarding a restrictive measure.
Thus, purpose of the article – to identify the regulatory shortcomings in the regulation of the issue of monitoring the implementation of restrictive measures against persons who committed domestic violence and developing proposals for their elimination.
The results of the study formulated the conclusions about the existence of certain shortcomings of the current legislation and made suggestions on the need to bring certain regulations in line with the changes. In order to resolve identified problems and inconsistencies it is considered necessary to introduce appropriate amendments to the laws that regulate the mechanism for monitoring the implementation of restrictive measures against those who committed domestic violence.
Keywords restrictive measures; prevention of domestic violence; counteracting domestic violence; control over the implementation of restrictive measures; probation bodies.
List of legal documents
1. Konventsiia Rady Yevropy pro zapobihannia nasylstvu stosovno zhinok i domashnomu nasylstvu ta borotbu z tsymy yavyshchamy (Stambulska konventsiia) [The Convention of the Council of Europe on the Prevention and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention)]. URL: (accessed: 28.02.2019) (in Ukrainian).
2. Kryminalnyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Criminal Code of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 5 kvitnia 2001 roku № 2341-III. URL: (accessed: 28.02.2019) (in Ukrainian).
3. Pro probatsiiu [On the Probation]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 5 liutoho 2015 roku № 160-VIII. URL: (accessed: 28.02.2019) (in Ukrainian).
4. Pro vnesennia zmin do Kryminalnoho ta Kryminalnoho protsesualnoho kodeksiv Ukrainy z metoiu realizatsii polozhen Konventsii Rady Yevropy pro zapobihannia nasylstvu stosovno zhinok i domashnomu nasylstvu ta borotbu z tsymy yavyshchamy [On Amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedural Codes of Ukraine in Order to Implement the Provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 6 hrudnia 2017 roku № 2227-VIII. URL: (accessed: 28.02.2019) (in Ukrainian).
5. Kryminalno-protsesualnyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainskoi Radianskoi Sotsialistychnoi Respubliky [Law of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic] vid 28 hrudnia 1960 roku № 1000-05. URL: (accessed: 28.02.2019) (in Ukrainian).
Authored books
6. Halai A ta inshi, Mizhnarodnyi dosvid poperedzhennia ta protydii domashnomu nasylstvu [International Experience in Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence] (KNT 2014) 160 (in Ukrainian).
7. Yevsiukova M ta inshi, Sudovyi rozghliad sprav, poviazanykh z vchynenniam nasylstva v simi v Ukraini: problemy vidpovidnosti mizhnarodnym standartam ta shliakhy vdoskonalennia [Judicial Consideration of Cases Related to Domestic Violence in Ukraine: Problems of Compliance with International Standards and Ways to Improve] (Vaite 2011) 196 (in Ukrainian).
Conference papers
8. Lytvynov O, Danylchenko Yu, ‘Propozytsii ta zauvazhennia do proektu Zakonu Ukrainy “Pro vnesennia zmin do Kryminalnoho kodeksu Ukrainy ta Kryminalnoho protsesualnoho kodeksu Ukrainy u zviazku z ratyfi katsiieiu Konventsii Rady Yevropy pro zapobihannia nasylstvu stosovno zhinok i domashnomu nasylstvu ta borotbu z tsymy yavyshchamy”’ [‘Proposals and Comments to the Draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine in Connection with the Ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and the Combating of Such Events”’] Vyklyky dlia ukrainskoho zakonodavstva, poviazani z ratyfikatsiieiu Konventsii Rady Yevropy pro zapobihannia nasylstvu shchodo zhinok ta domashnomu nasylstvu ta borotbu z tsymy yavyshchamy: kruhlyi stil [Challenges for Ukrainian Legislation Related to the Ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention, Combating and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence: round table] (KhNUVS, FOP Moskalenko O.M. 2016) 56–61 (in Ukrainian).
9. Suslova O, ‘Neobkhidnist ratyfikatsii Stambulskoi konventsii’ [‘Necessity of Ratification of the Istanbul Convention’] Vyklyky dlia ukrainskoho zakonodavstva, poviazani z ratyfikatsiieiu Konventsii Rady Yevropy pro zapobihannia nasylstvu shchodo zhinok ta domashnomu nasylstvu ta borotbu z tsymy yavyshchamy: kruhlyi stil [Challenges for Ukrainian Legislation Related to the Ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention, Combating and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence: round table] (KhNUVS, FOP Moskalenko O.M. 2016) 20–23 (in Ukrainian).
10. Kryklyvets D, ‘Obmezhuvalni zakhody za Kryminalnym kodeksom Ukrainy: perspektyvy zastosuvannia’ [‘Restrictive Measures under the Criminal Code of Ukraine: Prospects for Application’] URL: accessed 28 February 2019 (in Ukrainian).
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